• DVFRS assisted in many special events this year. Volunteer members were able to support and assist with personnel, apparatus, and equipment to Frederick County’s 275 th Anniversary Jubilee, The Great Frederick Fair, Colorfest, Running Festival, July 4 th Celebrations, High School football games, FONDO, Touch-A-Truck and many local community and sporting events, to name a few.
• Standards inspections, pump, and ladder testing were completed on all apparatus.
• Personal Protective Equipment Voucher Program for Volunteer Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Companies distributed 114 sets of new protective clothing to volunteer operational members.
• Continued work on CIP building projects.
• Volunteer records management and training module enhancements were improved this year. This is a comprehensive membership database managed by the division which accounts for volunteer participation in incidents and activity. The information is used for LO SAP, income tax benefits, worker’s compensation recording, training, and the annual fire/rescue accreditation process.
Annual Compliance Training.
• DVFRS conducted two Live Fire Training Days at the PSTF with multiple company participation.
• Managed the capital improvement project to install APS Firehouse Alerting systems in fire and rescue stations.
• Ensure records management compliance on Image Trend Fire reports.
• Implemented changes to the Employee Medical Physical Requirements Standard Operating Procedures to require annual physicals to all volunteers. • Implemented the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services Criminal History Records Check Standard Operating Procedure to require all individuals who apply for membership within a fire, rescue, or ambulance company and/or employment in the Division of Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services in Frederick County to successfully complete a criminal history records check. • Assisted in developing and provided training for the Structure Fire Response Standard Operating Procedure. The purpose of this policy is to provide direction in achieving incident objectives, command and control of structure fire incidents while ensuring the safety, welfare, and accountability of all personnel operating on the scene of a structure fire. This policy describes the roles and responsibilities of all responding units from the time of dispatch, through the conclusion of the incident. • Assisted in developing and provided training for the Incident Command Standard Operating Procedure to provide a standard “all hazards” policy and procedure for use on all emergency incidents and special events. Additionally, the policy to provides a standard method for the Incident Commander to document the actions of all units, personnel, and events occurring during the incident or event.
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