Training Office (continued)

In-Service Training Programs

DFRS’ In -Service Training Programs have expanded tremendously since their inception. This included a rebranding of the program development to “Mission Oriented Training Objectives” (MOTO) that is delivered quarterly to both career and volunteer members. This included the training at the former Waverly Elementary School where destructive training scenarios that included vertical ventilation and forcible entry skills were conducted. It also included the training at the old restaurant in Woodsboro where destructive training scenarios that included Rapid Intervention Techniques as well as various ventilation and forcible entry skills were conducted. In-Service training continues to include our mutual aid partners from Fort Detrick and NSF Thurmont (Camp David). The Division also achieved 100% successful completion of our Annual Compliance Training for career and volunteer emergency responders. In addition to these accomplishments, multiple certification courses in various emergency services disciplines were sponsored and delivered to meet the needs of our growing workforce and volunteer responders. We also placed an emphasis on pump operator training, and training related to special operations disciplines. The After-Action Report from the Ball Road Incident that tragically claimed the life of Battalion Chief Josh Laird, identified several training related action items. Training staff immediately went to work developing training to address those items in the report. As a result, the following programs were developed and delivered: Down Firefighter CPR, and a Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy Airway Decontamination component was added to our ALS recertification program. Training staff also provided assistance to two parallel work groups responsible for revising several Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) identified in the report. Staff then developed training specific to the revised SOPs and began delivering it to our career and volunteer responders late in 2022 and will finish in early 2023 to ensure they are formally trained on the changes.

The Training Staff continues to support our volunteer corporations delivering CPR certification courses and live fire training evolutions at the PSTF as well as live fire training in acquired structures within the county. In Service Training programs continues to support rapidly increasing Community Outreach demands by providing training in Basic First Aid, Hands only CPR and Stop the Bleed to residents and businesses in Frederick County.

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