Emergency Medical Services Office (continued)

Quality Assurance Office

The Quality Assurance Office is responsible for ensuring the quality of emergency medical services for the citizens and visitors of Frederick County is consistent with best practices and evidence-based medicine. The addition of a second full-time Quality Assurance Officer in February was in response to the growing demand for EMS services in Frederick County and need to ensure we continue to maintain of our high standard of care. The Quality Assurance Officers work closely with the Medical Review Committee (MRC), which is organized through MIEMSS and is a requirement Maryland Title 30 for all EMS operational programs. The purpose of the MRC is to provide independent review of EMS incidents that may require corrective action or input from the Medical Director. The MRC is also required to have a continuous quality improvement program, which is an essential part of all EMS programs. All incidents involving patients with immediate life-threatening illnesses or traumas are reviewed for compliance with medical protocols and established standards of care. The Quality Assurance Office conducted 189 investigations in 2022 as a result of referrals, complaints, and processes implemented to review 100% of 1,298 priority 1 incidents and a random selection of approximately 60% of all other less serious patient contacts. As part of the Quality Improvement process, the office has also continued to improve its use of data analytics to provide management with metrics on both departmental and individual provide performance. Working with our partners at MIEMSS and area hospitals, the Quality Improvement program is able to monitor the Division’s performance and compliance with state and national standards for performance.

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